The GPH-MILF peace process: Search for dynamics

This paper examines and analyzes the peace process between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) known as GPH-MILF peace process with particular focus on search for viable blueprint that would be acceptable to both parties,their respective constituents...


主要な著者: Taya, Shamsuddin L., Mahalik, Debendra
フォーマット: Conference or Workshop Item
出版事項: 2011
タグ: タグ追加
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要約:This paper examines and analyzes the peace process between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) known as GPH-MILF peace process with particular focus on search for viable blueprint that would be acceptable to both parties,their respective constituents and other stakeholders.It is divided into several parts.First part revisits the GPH-MILF peace process.The second part suggests recommendations: the political and administrative, economic, security, humanitarian and social dimensions.And finally, the concluding remarks.The data for this analysis came from primary and secondary sources, namely newspapers, policy statements, speeches, press releases, joint communique, peace agreements, books, magazines, and journals.Interviews with some informed people were also conducted.The study found that though the GPH-MILF peace has long way to go due some fundamental issues, it has, nevertheless, achieved significant progress that may lead to the final conclusion of the conflict in the region in the near future.