Case on “To buy, or not to Buy”

Joy is a fresh graduate employed at a local bank. As a commerce graduate he was quite interested in the financial markets of the country. He came from a middle income family and had set big dreams on his professional and personal life. He was certain that it would be difficult to achieve greater hei...


第一著者: T., Senthil Kumar
その他の著者: Sorooshian, Shahryar
フォーマット: Book Section
出版事項: Penerbit UMP 2017
タグ: タグ追加
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要約:Joy is a fresh graduate employed at a local bank. As a commerce graduate he was quite interested in the financial markets of the country. He came from a middle income family and had set big dreams on his professional and personal life. He was certain that it would be difficult to achieve greater heights by solely depending on the salary. So, he had picked up the habit of closely observing the stock prices of potential companies and invested in those stocks if the financials were good.