Strategic role of mobile commerce (M-Commerce) payment system: Establishing new competitive advantage

A Mobile based payment system or m-commerce is an emerging issue of e-commerce in Malaysia. It is recognized by both academia and practitioners as one of the fastest growing and preferable medium of making business transactions. This study investigated the benefits of m-commerce payment method, and...


主要な著者: Abdullah, Haim Hilman, Bohari, Abdul Manaf, Abdussalam, Ashraf, Warokka, Ari
フォーマット: Conference or Workshop Item
出版事項: 2011
タグ: タグ追加
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要約:A Mobile based payment system or m-commerce is an emerging issue of e-commerce in Malaysia. It is recognized by both academia and practitioners as one of the fastest growing and preferable medium of making business transactions. This study investigated the benefits of m-commerce payment method, and services satisfaction on m-commerce providers. Respondents were those who had experienced using this mode of payment. The main objectives of the study were; a) to determine the level of m-commerce awareness in Malaysia; b) to determine the level of m-commerce payment system usage among Malaysian; c) to determine the level of m-commerce payment environment among Malaysian; and d) to determine the relationship between payment system and payment environment toward m-commerce services satisfaction. The results shows m-commerce is another tool that is both highly intangible and possesses specific characteristics. It can be develop and make as another avenue for firms to create competitive advantage.