Some Evidence of Tax Knowledge in Malaysia: The Case of Service Tax

Prior literature shows that tax knowledge is positively related to tax compliance. It is believed that citizens with tax knowledge would indirectly assist tax authorities in tax collection task because they are literate and interested in taxation. In view of this, there are three main objectives of...


主要な著者: Abdullah, Mazni, Sapiei, Noor Sharoja
フォーマット: 論文
出版事項: Common Ground Research Networks 2008
タグ: タグ追加
タグなし, このレコードへの初めてのタグを付けませんか!
要約:Prior literature shows that tax knowledge is positively related to tax compliance. It is believed that citizens with tax knowledge would indirectly assist tax authorities in tax collection task because they are literate and interested in taxation. In view of this, there are three main objectives of this study, (1) to determine the level of tax knowledge of Malaysian citizens; (2) to determine the awareness of citizens with respect to service tax; and (3) to gauge the perceptions of citizens of the credibility of tax authority (Royal Malaysian Customs). The findings of this study might suggest that the level of tax knowledge and awareness of respondents in relating to service tax are still low and some of the respondents have negative perceptions of the tax authority's credibility. © Common Ground, Mazni Abdullah, All Rights Reserved.