Factors Affecting Intention Towards Organic Food Product Consumption : A Study Among Chinese Generation "Y" University Students

This study is focused on determining the internal factors and external factors that affect the intentions of the Chinese Generation Y towards organic food consumption. This study also measures intention as a mediator variable in the relationships between internal factors and consumption, and exte...


第一著者: Tan, Poh Leong
フォーマット: 学位論文
出版事項: 2015
タグ: タグ追加
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要約:This study is focused on determining the internal factors and external factors that affect the intentions of the Chinese Generation Y towards organic food consumption. This study also measures intention as a mediator variable in the relationships between internal factors and consumption, and external factors and consumption. Data was collected employing online survey questionnaires sent to 500 respondents, consisting of students of one university. The questionnaire was adopted and adapted from previous researchers. The gathered data were analysed using AMOS software. The outcome from the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis indicates that knowledge and awareness have significant effects on the intention to consume organic food products. Nevertheless, the relationship between environmental concerns, product attributes and health consciousness did not show any direct effect on intention. Besides that, knowledge, awareness, product attributes, health consciousness and environmental concerns, were non-significant predictors of organic food consumption. Furthermore, the media and advertising, and perceived behavioural control appeared as significant predictors of the intention variable. Yet, only subjective norm has been verified to be an insignificant predictor of the intention variable in this study. Amazingly, the intention has been a complete mediator between the six exogenous constructs, knowledge, health consciousness, environmental concerns, product attributes, perceived behavioural control, and the media and advertising in this research, while the intention mediating variable is only shown as a partial mediator between the subjective norm and consumption. It is hoped that the results of this study will assist food marketers and the Malaysian Ministry of Agriculture in gaining the intention and consumption of organic food products in Malaysia.